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GK questions with answer in English,50 GK questions with answers

1.Herpetology is the branch of science that deals with the study of.?

[A] Fishes

[B] Insects

[C] Snakes

[D] Amphibians and Reptiles


2.Which among the following sugars is maximum in Honey?

[A] Glucose

[B] Sucrose

[C] Fructose

[D] Maltose


3.Which among the following organs open in small intestine through Pylorus?

[A] Stomach

[B] Liver

[C] Pancreas

[D] All the above


4.Where does the formation of Urea takes place in our body ?

[A] Pancreas

[B] Kidney

[C] Liver

[D] Lungs


5.Which among the following is not a beverage plant?

[A] Camellia sinensis

[B] Theobroma cacao

[C] Coffea Arabica

[D] Alonsoa grandiflora


6.Who is the father of Modern Embryology?

[A] Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

[B] Stephen Hales

[C] Karl Ernst von Bayer

[D] Georges Cuvier


7.Cholera disease is caused by_?

[A] Fungi

[B] Virus

[C] Bacteria

[D] Protozoa


8.Which of the following may be most- likely to be missing from a gram-positive bacterium.?

[A] Penicillin-binding protein

[B] Peptidoglycan

[C] Lipopolysaccharide

[D] Phospholipid bilayer membrane


9.Which is the largest Bryophyta?

[A] Funaria (Moss)

[B] Marchantia

[C] Megaceros

[D] Dowsonia


10.Lateral conduction in gymnosperms leaf is done by which of the following?

[A] Veins

[B] Xylem parenchyma

[C] Transfusion tissue

[D] Medullary rays 

Answer -c

11.Plants which are adapted to grow in soils containing high concentration of salt are known as:

[A] Xerophytes

[B] Mesophytes

[C] Halophytes

[D] Thallophytes


12.In the branch of biology which of the following deals with the Study of kidney?

[A] Nephrology

[B] Neurology

[C] Neonatology

[D] None of these


13.Who received the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work in establishing the chromosomal theory of inheritance?

[A] Gregor Mendel

[B] Edward Jenner\’s

[C] Nehemiah Grew

[D] Thomas Hunt Morgan


14.Who has introduced Two Kingdom Classification?

[A] Carolus Linnaeus

[B] Ernest Haeckel

[C] Copeland

[D] RH Whittaker


15.Which of the following algae is used to make iodine?

[A] Macrocystis

[B] Surgassum

[C] Synechococcus

[D] Anabina


16.What is the translucent fluid part of the cytoplasm called?

[A] Cell protein

[B] Cytosol

[C] Matrix

[D] Organelles


17.Green algae, red algae and brown algae are common examples of__?

[A] Thallophyta

[B] Bryophyta

[C] Pteridophyta

[D] Gymnosperms


18.What makes the main difference between pteridophytes and bryophytes?

[A] Spermatozoids

[B] Archegonia

[C] Separate gametophytes

[D] conducting system


19.Most gymnosperms are?

[A] Xerophytic

[B] Hydrophytic

[C] Halophytic

[D] Epiphytic


20.Which hormones are responsible for cell elongation in phototropism and gravitropism?

[A] Gibberellins

[B] cytokinin

[C] Auxins

[D] Abscisic Acid


21.The respiratory pigment in Mollusca is:

[A] Hemoglobin

[B] Hemocyanin in the blood cells

[C] Myoglobin

[D] Haemocyanin in the blood plasma


22.Which of the following are characteristic of pneumatic bones?

[A] mammals

[B] reptiles

[C] aves

[D] lizards


23.Only right aortic arches are present in

[A] Reptilia

[B] Mammals

[C] Birds

[D] Fishes


24.Which of the following is the middle layer of the eye?

[A] Sclera

[B] Lens

[C] Choroid

[D] Retina


25.What is the phenomenon of light responsible for the functioning of the human eye?

[A] Reflection

[B] Refraction

[C] Power of accommodation

[D] Persistence of vision


26.Which bone protects the brain?

[A] Calcium

[B] The cranium

[C] The cerebrum

[D] The cerebellum


27.Which of the following makes bones so strong?

[A] Silica

[B] Cartilage

[C] Blood and marrow

[D] Calcium and phosphorous


28.Amino acids are used to make new proteins, this is an example of which of the following?

[A] Egestion

[B] Absorption

[C] Assimilation

[D] None of the above


29.Initiates and maintains milk production in breasts:

[A] Prolactin

[B] Renin and angiotensin

[C] Oxytocin

[D] Erythropoietin


30.The end of the menstrual cycle is called?

[A] Menarche

[B] Menopause

[C] Menses

[D] Ovulation



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