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Who is Dhirendra pandit krishna maharaj, where is bageshwar dham situated,how can I meet bageshwar dham sarkar

Today we will get information about the temple full of great divine power in the country. where after applying any information related to any person Bageshwar dham pandit Shri Dhirendra Krishna Garg ji in written form crashing.

Shell We now-

1-What is the history of Bageshwar dham?

2- who is the founder of Bageshwar dham?

3- who got the Bageshwar dham renovated?

4- Whose place of worship, would the dham have been been?

 5- did Bageshwar dham come in the discussion?

6- where is Bageshwar dham situated?

7- who is the bagheshwar dham.?

8- whose is temple in Bageshwar dham?

9- going to Bageshwar,what happens after applying what was the process?

10- who can apply?

11- what happenes after applying and who to meet?

12- what problem would be solved?

11- what condition is placed by the dham after problem solving?

12- in the end well will talk about how much does this process cost or is it free?

History of Bageshwar dham-

 generally news about the foundation day of Bageshwar dham pupil believe that this used to be a siddha peeth of Chandel area in 1986. the temple was renovated by The villagers after that in 1987, the scholar of the village pandit Setu Lal Ji Maharaj alias pandit Shri Bhagwan Das Ji Maharaj, return after taking invitation from nirmohi akhada chitrkut dham and return to the temple with the inspiration of Hanuman Ji Maharaj bagan to worship as. 

How to medicine generally used. classification drugs categories 

After that in the year 1989 huge yagya organized by our Param pujya babaji. everyday some miracle used to happen in Bageshwar dham. after the successful completation of mahayagya. the great Shakti resident in Bageshwar dham and gradually the wishes of the people started getting pulified and devotees started pouring in their everyday.

Only after the death of babaji Shri pandit Setu Lal Garg Ji Maharaj, Pabdit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri who attend all over the world started believing in the fate of good from the age of only 9 and Param pujya babaji in Bageshwar dham. inspired by the ideals of  he started serving at the feet of the lord.

Bageshwar dham has been the centre for the solution of problem like divine, physical, material etc. ancient times according to the orders of Hanuman Ji Maharaj sensitive 2012 to solve the problem of the devotees by holding court on Saturday and all kind of basis of the de devotees s started getting pulified.

Bageshwar dham sins no one much about the establishment of the dham. its used to be a religious place during the chandela period. it can be inside that the chandela King would be the one who established them.

Whose renovated Bageshwar dham-

Bageshwar dham government was renovated by the villagers in the year 1986. it has been a belief since ancient time that miraculous power resides in Bageshwar dham. 

Bageshwar dham has been the place of worship of chandela king-

The villages believe that Bageshwar dham will be the place established by the Chandel kings. as well as know that the world tourist City Khajuraho temple was built by chandela kings the distance of Bageshwar dham Sarkar is not much from Khajuraho. it is possible that one of those kings may have resided here and established this please chandela kings.

Bageshwar dham cam and discussion all over India-

year 2012 one wordon Saturday all kinds of problem of the devotees will be we solved yesterday resolving and their solution also a started in then the devotees started getting influxe on the.

Recommendation of the devotees, with the blessing of Balaji Bageshwar dham in the year 2016, the Bhumi Pujan of Bageshwar dham was done along with this Bageshwar dham pithadhishwar took a pledge to serv the village Bageshwar dham Balaji government, social service and life long service to Sanatan Dharm. Bageshwar dham and Bageshwar dham from country like Nepal and America from all over the world are receiving blessing from pithadhishwar.

Bageshwar dham located near the world tourist "City Khajuraho"-

Bageshwar dham Balaji sarkar is situated in small village gadha near RajNagar, Khajuraho tahsil off Chhatarpur district Madhya Pradesh. the distance of Bageshwar dham from the world tourist City Khajuraho is only between 25 to 30 km.

To rich Bageshwar dham People of India can come from the airport at Khajuraho, by rail and also by bus travel.

Hanuman Ji Maharaj is the temple of Balaji sarkar, in Bageshwar dham-

There is an temple of Hanuman Ji Maharaj  exclusive devotees of the most revered lord Shri Ram, direct on Bageshwar dham pithadhishwar pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri ji, its blessing.

Applying and applying to go to Bageshwar dham process-

Before applying to Bageshwar dham siddh peeth aashram. it is important to know the rules here, period to this the number of devotees used to come less than 2015, 2016, 2017 Bageshwar dham. so the token system was not there earlier at present the number of deputy has reached everyday. so token arrangement have been made to maintain the system. token a distribute on a particular day of the month. which is information available on social media platform.

It is free to take to token in Bageshwar dham. it is absolutely free to apply after getting the token meeting also free staying in Bageshwar dham is also free.

There at the given time to collect the, token number you have to rich and get the token number apart from the stories and other important journeys pithadhishwar Maharaj ji residesdays in Bageshwar dham only.

Statute of application-

According to the given time table take the token and rich the court Param pujya Maharaj ji. will listen to your request one by one. applying application does not mean tying account in Bageshwar dham, but your problem written in a blank paper. it's solution is already written by Shri Maharaj, without information this process is called a applying.

After aja lagaan revered Maharaj tels us muscle to solve your problem that is muscle means that, you to come in very important on Tuesday. 11 and 21 can be told by Maharaj ji and according to the problem that is after reaching. Bageshwar dham attending MHA Aarti at 6:00 a.m. recitation of Hanuman chalisa and 21 circumambulation the temple. 

All person can apply-

any person can take shelter at the feet of government regarding their problems and they will definitely get a solution to this problem.

After solving the problem no condition placed by dham-

the infinite compassion of Balaji Bageshwar dham. remove siddh suffering of all the devotees and no fees is charged for attaining this comparison. their feet of lord Sri in Bageshwar dham are solve the completely free of cost.


Friends that you must have received all kinds of information related to Bageshwar dham government. then you will definitely comment in the comment box and for any kind of information related to Bageshwar dham government. the official website of Bageshwar dham. Bageshwar dham Sarkar all information available on almost every social media platform.

 Jay Shri Ram

 Jay Shri Ram

 Jay Shri ram

Jay Balaji, Jay Bageshwar dham

यह भी पढ़ें 

बागेश्वर धाम की महिमा के बारे में

बागेश्वर धाम के बारे सम्पूर्ण जानकारी

Tourist place khajuraho near of bageshwar dham

Kutni tourist place near of khajuraho

बागेश्वर धाम की महिमा के बारे में

बागेश्वर धाम के बारे सम्पूर्ण जानकारी

Tourist place khajuraho near of bageshwar dham

Kutni tourist place near of khajuraho


  1. Excellent article about bageshwar dham


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