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GK question in Hindi,GK question 2022

(1) How many millimeters are there in an inch?

(a) 20.4 mm

(b) 22.4 mm

(C) 24.4 mm

(D) 25.4 mm

Answer -D

(2) How many grams are in 1 pound?

(a) 452.6 GM

(b) 453.6 GM

(C) 454.6 GM

(D) 455.6 GM

Answer -B

(3) How many miles are there in 1 kilometer?

(a) 0.611 mile

(B) 0.622 mile

(C) 0.631 mile

(D) 0.641 mile

Answer -B

(4) How many grams are there in an ounce?

(a) 26.35 GM

(b) 28.35 GM

(C) 30.34 GM

(D) 34.30 GM

Answer -B

(5)How many liters are there in a gallon?

(a) 2.54 liter

(B) 3.54 liters

(c) 4.54 liters

(d) 5.54 liters

Answer -B

(6) How many liters are there in 4 cubic meters?

(a) 4000 liters

(b) 1100 liters

(C) 1200 liters

(D) 1300 liters

Answer -A

(7) How many kilometers are there in 1 mile?

(a) 1.609 km

(b) 1.709 km

(c) 1.809 km

(d) 1.909 km

Answer -B

(8) How many gallons are there in one cubic foot?

(a) 4.25 gallon

(B) 5.25 gallon

(C) 6.25 gallon

(D) 7.25 gallon

Answer -D

(9) How many are there in 1 pound?

(A) 453.552gm

(b) 352.455gm

(C) 310.567gm

(D) 678.266gm

Answer -A

(10) Select the value equal to 1 kilometer?

(a) 1.609 mile

(B) 0.633 mile

(C) 30.622 mile

(D) 0.621 mile

Answer -D

Gk in biology

Gk question pcm

Gk question in hindi

Term insurance in hindi

Dr.cp yadav chhatarpur mp


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